Calculating Your Calorie Needs

Calculating Your Calorie Needs was written by Beverley Brooke from

Calculating Your Calorie NeedsIn order to eat fewer calories than you need, you have to determine how many calories you actually need. Adults can calculate their approximate energy needs using the following formula:

A. Body weight multiplied by 12 (for men) or 11 (for women)e.g., 150 lbs. x 12 = 1800

B. Activity One third body weight multiplied by the number of hours you don't sleep, typically 16 hours150 lbs. x 1/3 = 50 x 16 = 800

C. Required Calories A + B 1800 + 800 = 2600

Thus, we determine that a 150-pound man requires approximately 2600 calories per day. The "Basal Metabolic Rate" is the number of calories a man of that weight would burn just to keep the heart beating, the lungs pumping, etc. You would just burn your basal metabolic rate worth of calories if you slept all day. Thus the "Activity" calculation is approximately the amount of calories a person would expend by spending his or her whole day sitting around. If you are engaging in activities other than sitting all day, you can increase your activity hours by the number of hours you are actually active.

Adult females can calculate their approximate energy needs using the same formula, except that the "Basal Metabolic Rate" is determined by multiplying body weight times 11 instead of 12. Children and teenagers require more calories by body weight, but the amount varies by age and by individual child. It is best to consult a physician before altering a child’s diet, however activity and exercise increases won’t hurt the average youth of today.

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Finding The Elusive Complete-Protein Source

Finding The Elusive Complete-Protein Source was written by Jim Duffy from

Finding The Elusive Complete-Protein SourceImages of "protein powder" containers with accomplished bodybuilders on their labels help inform consumers that protein is a critical macronutrient in strength training success. Yet what is sometimes lost in this protein-bodybuilding link is that protein is an essential component for everyone, regardless of physical activity. Even those who live sedentary lives must ensure that their protein intake is complete and balanced.

The importance of protein in diet is undeniable. Protein creates digestive enzymes, transports other vitamins and nutrients, builds and repairs body tissue, and helps keep harmful bacteria at bay[i]. These are bodily system function that all people need – not just bodybuilders and other athletes.

Eating the appropriate composition of protein in meals is, however, proving to be an unusually difficult challenge for many Americans. To begin with, many protein sources are not considered "complete" because they do not provide all of the required amino acids necessary in order to build newer proteins. These incomplete proteins are often derived from fruit, grain, vegetable, and nut sources[ii]. However, the alternative to these incomplete protein sources – such as meats and dairy – present their own unique dietary challenges.

The first challenge with respect to these meat-based sources of complete protein is that they are not an option for vegetarians. While the number of US vegetarians is difficult to pinpoint, educated estimates suggest that there are about 6 million adult vegetarians in the US, and the number is growing annually[iii]. Therefore, 6 million adult Americans cannot access complete protein through meat sources.

The second challenge is that many meat- and dairy-based meals in the US are excessively high in saturated fat, calories, sodium, and other unhealthy elements. As such, while those who frequent fast food restaurants for their source of complete protein may not suffer from protein deficiency, a disconcerting number of these people will suffer from poor health. This includes: obesity, clogged arteries, high blood pressure, and other adverse consequences what medical experts call the "social irresponsibility" of the fast food industry[iv].

The clear challenge for nutritional experts is to identify a protein source that is both healthy and complete. The consequences of not finding a suitable protein source range from underperforming digestive systems and chemical imbalances to the ill effects of a condition called "Kwashiorkor". More frequent in developing countries but with reported incidinces in the US, Kwashiorkor occurs in extreme protein-deficiency situations when when the body cannibalizes itself in a desperate attempt to find a source of protein.

Several attempts have been made to find the ideal complete protein source: one that is healthy, accessible to all eaters, and convenient. Indeed, this last criterion of convenience is of particular importance, because many Americans in the 21st century evidently have less time to eat than ever before.

Some of these attempts to find the ideal complete protein source hearken back a few generations. The classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich has been adopted as a complete protein source by some, but rejected by many more. While peanut butter does provide a good source of protein, the sodium content of most grocery store peanut butter brands, and the high carbohydrate and fat levels of the average "PB&J on white" keep it from being an ideal choice[v].

Other proposed solutions are more recent inventions. These include the range of nutritional powders and "energy" bars available in most health food stores, and in a growing number of grocery stores. With respect to protein powders, while some of them do provide a decent source of protein, it is simply not a convenient source for most people. With respect to energy bars, many of them have been criticized for their high calorie and carbohydrate levels.

Another solution – and one that is garnering some serious acclaim from within the health community – is fluid nutritional supplements that are easy to transport, and offer a complete protein source suitable for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike[1]. At the same time, these products are specifically designed to be low-calorie (and therefore diet-friendly), and offer additional nutrients and vitamins that the body needs in addition to complete protein.

These innovative, complete protein products are a positive sign in a nutritional sector that has struggled with misinformation. Regrettably, many so-called energy bars and protein powders are laden with calories and carbohydrates. Some of them – in particular many energy bars – hardly offer any protein, which is a curious omission that most consumers do not realize as they ingest these products.

Fortunately, as noted above, there are scientifically engineered products on the market that deliver the complete protein and nutrition that consumers expect when they purchase something with the words "nutritional supplement" on the container.

About Protica

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Information on Protica is available at You can also learn about Profect at

[1] These products use "Actinase®" protein, which is derived from isolated animal sources that do not contain the lactose and fat normally associated with animal-based proteins.


[i] Source: "The Importance of Protein". OhioHealth.

[ii] Source: "Protein: Moving Closer to Center Stage". Harvard School of Public Health.

[iii] Source: "How Many Vegetarians are There? A 2003 National Harris Interactive Survey Question Sponsored by The Vegetarian Resource Group". Vegetarian Journal.

[iv] Source: "Supersized Nation: Bigger Burgers Still Rule". WebMD.

[v] Source: "How Nutritious is a PB&J?". About.

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Antioxidants - Your Best Defense Against Disease And Aging

Antioxidants - Your Best Defense Against Disease And Aging was written by Brad Bahr from

Antioxidants - Your Best Defense Against Disease And AgingStudies support the benefits of eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. This is due to their high antioxidant value. Why are antioxidants so important? Because they have a proven track record of fighting free radicals.

Your body is being constantly attacked by very harmful substances known as free radicals or oxygen radicals. Free radicals can destroy your cells, tissues and organs.

Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that are naturally formed inside our bodies by the process of oxidation. They are normal by products of everyday functions like digestion and physical activity. Free radicals also come from outside sources, such as smoking, environmental pollution, and synthetic chemicals that are added to our water and food.

We are also all exposed daily to polluted air, ingest oxidized or partially rancid foods, and oxidizing radiations from the sun and various electrical appliances.

Free radicals lack one electron making them chemically unstable. To stabilize themselves, they attack any other substance within reach and steel an electron from it. This process creates a new free radical, which repeats the process, producing a "domino effect." When this reaction is uncontrolled, it can generate millions of free radicals within seconds.

Fortunately our bodies come equipped with a free radical fighting mechanism. It consists of specialized enzymes that have a "spare" electron that they can give away without turning into free radicals. In order to protect us, the enzymes need help from certain substances known as antioxidants.

The antioxidant value of any food or supplement can be determined by it's ORAC rating. ORAC means Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. According to the University of Michigan, Comprehensive Cancer Center, the measurement of ORAC is a way to measure how many oxygen radicals a specific food can absorb. The more oxygen radicals a food can absorb, the higher its ORAC score. The higher its score... the more that food or supplement will help you fight diseases like cancer and heart disease.

Most experts agree that we should consume 5,000 ORAC units per day to effectively fight free radicals in the body. Sadly, most of us average around 1,200 units per day. Not nearly enough to protect us from the common ciseases of aging.

One of the best sources of antioxidants are berries and fruits. Most of us would have a very hard time eating the large amounts necessary to reach 5,000 ORAC units per day. For this reason, high ORAC supplements have been created. They contain berry and fruit extracts with a known ORAC rating. These supplements are inexpensive and provide many health benefits to your entire body and brain. Many people use these supplements as part of an anti-aging program. Keeping your cells from being destroyed goes a long way to staying healthy and young.

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Why Many Fat Free Diets Do Not Work

Why Many Fat Free Diets Do Not Work was written by Jim Duffy from

Why Many Fat Free Diets Do Not WorkMost people understand that it is wise to limit the amount of fat grams in their daily diet. The dietary reference intake amount for an adult ranges from 20% to 35%[i] of daily calories; or about 44 to 55 grams per day[1]. Since a single slice of pecan pie carries with it 27 grams of fat, and a mere tablespoon of thousand island salad dressing contains 8 grams of fat[ii], it is not surprising to see more and more people checking food labels and "passing over" an order of onion rings[2] as they try to lose, or maintain, inches and pounds.

However, the relentless avoidance of fat – even of healthy unsaturated fat – is creating a troubling scenario for many individuals. Instead of losing weight when they go "fat free", they are actually gaining weight.

Many people on the road to weight loss forget – or simply do not know – that the words "fat free" do not also mean "calorie free". As a result, many people ingest far too much "fat free" food, believing that it will not add weight, since, alas, it is dubbed "fat free". Yet it is the calories in these fat-free foods that cause the weight gain; not the fat grams themselves[iii].

A single gram of fat contain nine calories, which is more than double the amount of calories in a gram protein or carbohydrate. Therefore, mathematically speaking, an eater can consume twice as many protein or carbohydrate grams than fat grams, and achieve the same caloric intake. Since many high-fat foods contain an excessive amount of fat grams – such as onion rings – it has become a staple of dieting wisdom to reduce fat intake and avoid such oily, greasy foods[3].

Yet it bears repeating that the reason to avoid fat-rich foods is not because of the word "fat"; it is because each fat gram contains a scale-tipping 9 calories. In other words: the weight-conscious reason for avoiding excess fat grams is because it leads to a higher caloric intake.

Dieters who neglect to realize this basic nutritional fact – that weight gain is about calories and not about fat grams themselves – fail to realize, and often at their eventual dismay, how the body actually gains and loses weight.

The typical adult male American diet calls for 2000 calories per day because this is how many calories are collectively use and burned (i.e. converted into energy) by the body each day. As an example, an average male dieter who consumes 1800 calories a day will "save" 200 calories per day. As there are 3,500 calories in a pound, the dieter in this scenario will "save" 3,600 calories over the course of 18 days (18 x 200 calories). This translates into a loss of one pound. Similarly, if this dieter consumes an excess 200 calories per day, a pound of weight will be gained in 18 days.

A dieter who is not aware of this mathematical formula may indeed avoid fat altogether and consume, for example, 6 tablespoons of "fat free" caramel topping per day; believing that this is not a part of the weight gain equation, because it is labeled as "fat free". This is not false advertising, as fat free caramel topping contains no fat grams. However, fat free caramel topping delivers 103 calories per two tablespoon serving[iv].

If this dieter is adhering to a diet regimen of 44 fat grams per day -- and does not count calories -- then he will simply not know that in these 6 mere tablespoons are a substantial 309 calories; or 15% of the total daily caloric intake for a 2000 calorie/day diet.

In fact, a dieter could subsist entirely on "fat free" foods, and easily exceed their target daily caloric intake by their second meal of the day. These excess calories are obviously not deriving from fat grams; but they are coming from another source, most probably carbohydrates.

Again, the message here that many dieters do not receive from the advertising and marketing media is that fat grams in and of themselves do not necessarily "cause" weight gain. Rather, fat grams contribute to the total caloric intake, and they should be counted alongside carbohydrates and proteins.

Adding an unnecessary layer of complexity here is that many "healthy foods", such as energy bars, contain an excessive amount of calories. A chocolate chip Energy Bar™, for example, contains 230 calories; which is actually only 40 calories less than a Butterfinger™ candy bar[v]. Unfortunately, because the Energy Bar contains 2 grams of fat and is therefore "low fat", some dieters eat several per day; and pack on 230 calories each time, despite the fact that virtually none of those calories come from fat. It does not matter; the dieter will still gain weight if his or her daily caloric intake threshold is surpassed. Dieters who expect yogurt-covered bars to be "healthier" are also misled; the yogurt-berry Balance BarĂ” contains 200 calories per serving, despite the fact that only 25% of the calories come from its 6 grams of fat.

However, there are some responsible nutritional supplement products on the market that are engineered to be both low fat/fat-free and low-calorie. These foods are of benefit to dieters when they are losing weight, and also in the vulnerable period after the weight has been lost. Regrettably, many very well intentioned dieters who have made tremendous strides and sacrifices to lose weight regain it within the first few "post-diet" months. While a number of factors influence whether a dieter will regain weight, including environment and genetics, one major culprit is that dieters are not provided with low-fat, low-calorie, and palatable food sources once they have achieved their weight loss goals. They consequently return to previous eating habits, and the unwanted weight returns within weeks.

However, as mentioned, there are intelligent nutritional supplements on the market that do fill this void, and ethically serve dieters – and post-dieters – with foods that they need to stay healthy, and fend off weight gain. For the sake of current and future dieters who are going to struggle with misleading "fat free" marketing, it is hoped that such intelligent companies, and their products, quickly become the norm of the future, rather than the exception of today.


Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Information on Protica is available at

You can also learn about Profect at

Copyright - Protica Research -


[1] Fat grams contain 9 calories each.

[2] 3 grams of fat per onion ring!

[3] As briefly noted above, many dieters fail to realize that there are healthy unsaturated fats that the body requires; the body cannot produce fat on its own, it must receive it through diet. Yet even unsaturated fat grams contain 9 calories each, and so the understanding the fats should be severely limited holds true.


[i] Source: "Unsaturated Fat".

[ii] Source: "Fat Content of Foods". Weight Control Infocenter.

[iii] : "Watching Fat vs. Calories". Good Housekeeping/iVillage.,,284558_291893,00.html?arrivalSA=1&cobrandRef=0&arrival_freqCap=1&pba=adid=13272851

[iv] Source: "Fat Free vs. Regular Calorie Comparison". US Food and Drug Administration.

[v] Source: "Fueling Up with Energy Bars".

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Five Reasons You Should Drink More Water

Five Reasons You Should Drink More Water was written by Hristo Hristov from

Five Reasons You Should Drink More WaterI know you've heard this many times - "Drink more water!". Yet, 99% of the people don't heed this advice. Maybe if water was more expensive, people would pay more attention to consume enough of it on a daily basis. We are living in a dehydrated world of carbonated beverages, caffeine and alcohol.

I bet you don't know how important is water for your health, figure and well-being. I didn't know it until I found a book that literally opened my eyes. The book is titled "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" by Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj.

Reason 1: Water can cure many modern diseases

According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, a long list of modern diseases can be practically eliminated by just drinking more water. The list includes and is not limited to: asthma, hypertension, back and joint pain, arthritis, constipation, allergies, ulcers and the list goes on and on.

I know it sounds crazy. I have heard many weird health theories in my life, but what interests me is the "results of following this or that advice". The "drink more water cure" has worked for so many of my friends and myself that I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone.

I cured myself of a nagging skin allergy. I have much more energy, strength, endurance and sleep much better now.

I have had 100% success curing chronic constipation with my female clients. I don't know a single person that didn't benefit in some way by drinking more water.

Reason 2: Water can decrease your appetite

This is common sense. When you drink water, your stomach gets full and your appetite decreases. You end up eating fewer calories. If you drink water before each meal, you'll prevent yourself from eating thousands of calories in the long run. This means you are going to be leaner.

Reason 3: Drinking water BURNS EXTRA calories

When you drink water, your body burns extra calories. Drinking 18 ounces of water increases your metabolic rate by about 30% for about 40 minutes. This phenomenon is called Water Induced Thermogenesis. The total amount of extra calories burned by drinking 18 ounces of water is about 25 calories. Drinking 72 ounces of water amounts to 100 extra calories. That is a lot of calories in the long run.

Reason 4: Water may help you burn more fat and build more muscle

It has been shown that dehydration decreases protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is what builds muscle. It is an energy costly process. When you suppress protein synthesis, fewer calories end up building proteins and more calories end up in your fat stores. It's elementary: calories have two possible fates - they either get burned, or they get stored. When more of the calories you eat get burned, less will get stored.

Dehydration has been shown to decrease maximal strength. When you are stronger, you can lift more weight and that means you'll build more muscle.

Reason 5: Your skin will look much better

Nothing will improve the appearance of your skin better than consuming enough water. It's a pity women spend so much money on skin products, while neglecting the cheapest and most effective one - water.

How much water should I drink?

Dr. Batmanghelidj's advice is simple: drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of bodyweight plus one and one half additional ounces of water for every ounce of beverage you consume containing caffeine, carbonation or alcohol. Do this every day.

As you increase your water intake you should also increase your salt intake. Don't buy the "Sodium causes hypertension nonsense". Restricting Sodium does not help the vast majority of people with hypertension. Clearly, Sodium is not the CAUSE of hypertension. Your body needs Sodium to hold its water stores. Even if you consume more than you need to, your body will get rid of the extra amount that you overconsumed.

Drink your water. Stay well hydrated. Stay healthy.

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Glutamates was written by D. S. Epperson from

GlutamatesApproximately 30 years ago, food manufacturers were competing against the American Homemaker for consumable dollars. Women, traditionally prepared food fed to the family and the food prepared came fresh and cheap!

Food scientists knew then that we have glutamate receptors on our tongues. Humans are driven to eat foods containing glutamates, even when we can’t taste them. Glutamates can enhance taste or the sensation of taste, but it also causes a chemical reaction soon after the glutamate receptors are activated.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and other glutamates (called free glutamates) can appear naturally in foods or may be included as additives by manufacturers in order, among other reasons, to increase the popularity of their products.

When glutamates are added to foods, they can release high levels of insulin, which cause changes in the metabolism. In a report written by Drs. N.A. Togiyama and A. Adachi and published in the medical journal Physiological Behavior, applying monosodium glutamate to the tongues of animals will release high levels of insulin within three minutes.

The hunger that follows such an insulin response could increase cravings, cause weight gain, and if repeated over tine, increase the likelihood of adult-onset diabetes.

Check you ingredient listing. Glutamates can go under a variety of names, including:

Anything enzyme modified

Anything fermented

Anything protein fortified

Anything ultra-pasteurized

Autolyzed yeast

Barley malt



Calcium caseinate


Flavoring Gelatin

Hydrolyzed oat flour

Hydrolyzed plant protein

Hydrolyzed vegetable protein

Malt extract


Natural flavors (or natural flavoring)


Plant protein extract

Potassium glutamate

Sodium caseinate

Soy protein

Soy sauce


Textured protein

Whey protein

Yeast extract

Yeast food

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Exposing The "Best" Source Of Protein Myth

Exposing The "Best" Source Of Protein Myth was written by Jim Duffy from

Exposing The "Best" Source Of Protein MythAn American culture that is marked by a chronic lack of time and the need to achieve is often in pursuit of the "best" something or other. These "best" lists tend to improve time efficiency they help people make quick decisions without a lot of research or "trial and error".

However, as with most inventions, there is a potentially harmful application of these very popular "best" lists. There are situations where the need to identify the best of something obscures the real truth that, quite simply, there is no single best ranking. In other words, the best of something is in reality a combination of many things. Within the world of nutrition, there arguably is not a more clear – and dangerous – expression of this truth then in looking at protein.

The world of nutrition is not short on "best" opinions for sources of protein. Some camps lobby in favor of whey protein as the best, while others advocate soy. Some claim that meat and poultry are the best source of protein, while others swear that a plant-based item such as spirulina ranks at the top. There are so many opinions – each one claiming to support the best source of protein – that consumers are often left less informed after reading a few of them, rather than more educated.

One of the reasons that the search for the best source of protein is so widespread is because of its critical importance within a healthy diet. All bodily functions are aided, directly or indirectly, by protein. In addition to being an essential energy source, protein is a component of every body cell, and among other vital contributions, helps in the creation, maintenance, and repair of muscle tissue[i].

Furthermore, it is widely accepted – regardless of view on the "best" source of protein – that a complete source of protein is required by all people, regardless of athleticism or mobility. This complete source of protein must reflect all 20 different amino acids that comprise protein. Since the body can only create 12 of them through its own synthetic production capacity, 8 amino acids – called "essential amino acids" -- must be obtained through diet[ii].

This is where the confusion ultimately lies, and the root cause of the ongoing confusion. Various groups claim that certain specific food sources, such as whey, milk protein, or calcium caseinate[1], respectively, is the single best source of protein. Surprisingly, however, a growing body of research is suggesting that that all of these views are incorrect. Rather, a variety of protein sources is proving to be the best.

Unfortunately, accessing this variety of protein sources is a challenge for many consumers. Unless a consumer is very well versed in nutrition, possibly to the point of being considered an expert, he or she cannot confidently know if the variety of proteins are being eaten in any particular meal.

Furthermore, some sources of protein – such as fast food burgers – may indeed contain a desired amount of essential amino acids, but the excessively high amount of calories, unsaturated fats, carbohydrates, and other unwanted elements make them a thoroughly unwise eating choice [iii].

The goal – one that has been sought for decades -- is therefore to identify a food source that provides consumers with a healthy, convenient, inexpensive, appetizing, and complete source of protein.

Fortunately, despite significant delays in bringing a worthy product to the consumer marketplace – delays due to the scientifically pointless search for the single best source of protein -- there are some innovative nutritional supplements that are achieving this goal. These products offer consumers a complete amino acid profile derived from a combined mix of protein sources. Some of these evolved products – albeit a very limited number of them -- are even able to meet the other consumer criterion: convenience, affordability, palatability, low-calorie, and high nutritional (e.g. vitamin enriched) content.

American health dialogue will continue to be populated with "best" lists, and in many ways, these lists are quite useful timesaving devices. However, there are obvious situations where the relentless pursuit of the "best" of something can actually cause more harm than good when there is, in fact, no "best" of something to speak of. In the world of protein and diet, this is clearly the case: there is no single best source of protein. Only a balanced mix of protein sources will achieve the goal of delivering the body’s critical protein requirements. Fortunately, more nutrition experts are starting to acknowledge this scientific truth, and it is a trend towards intelligent health that is expected to continue.

About Protica

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Information on Protica is available at You can also learn about Profect at

[1] Calcium caseinate is created via the acidification of skim milk.


[i] Source: "Protein in Diet".

[ii] Source: "Essential Amino Acid".

[iii] Source: "Supersized Nation: Bigger Burgers Still Rule". WebMD.

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That Cookie Might Kill You!

That Cookie Might Kill You! was written by Salkis Re

That Cookie Might Kill You!Chances are you may have had a food product that contained Trans Fatty Acids. What’s the danger you ask? I ‘m about to share with you just a little of the hidden dangers and certain death that some of the most popular foods you eat can cause.

Do you eat foods such as, vegetable shortenings, margarine, crackers, candies, cookies, snack foods, fried foods, baked goods, and other processed foods made with Trans Fatty Acids with are hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils? Well if you do you are putting yourself and your family at risk for very serious diseases like Alzheimer’s, Coronary Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes!

What are Trans Fatty Acids?These are hydrogenated oils that are created by fusing gas and oils together with what’s called a metal catalyst. The catalyst is made of, nickel, aluminum or cobalt. The oils and hydrogen are fused together in temperatures reaching over 400 degrees, thereby changing the molecular structure of the oil.

Keep in mind that the metals that are used in the process of hydrogenation arehighly toxic to your body with prolong use, which to me is bad enough, but the real culprit is the fact that the hydrogenated oils are "altered" and "unnatural" so your body cannot eliminate them naturally. Aluminum by itself has been shown to cause Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease!

Kraft Foods, whom by the way is owned by Phillip Morris (the tobacco company) manufacturers everything from cheese to nutritional bars admits on their official website that and I quote "Consuming Trans Fatty Acids is directly linked to Coronary Heart Disease." They also say that the use of TFA (hydrogenated oils) improve the "texture" and "freshness" of certain products.

The fact is that companies use these oils because the cost is cheaper, the oil does not go rancid and quickly and they get more volume from the hydrogenation process thereby allowing them to sell more of it! Did you know this??

The FDA states that food manufacturers can list their products as, 0 Trans Fat on their labels if the amount of Trans Fat is less than (0.5 grams) per serving.

Now how many of you eat The Suggested Serving Size that’s on the packaging?????

The New England Journal of Medicine -- June 24, 1999 -- Vol. 340, No. 25, states," product labeling is not enough because fast foods contain high amounts of trans fatty acids and are exempt from labeling regulation". They also state, "Changing the use of hydrogenated oils to un-hydrogenated oils would substantially reduce the risk of coronary heart disease."

So with all this knowledge, what are your alternatives? Mono or polyunsaturated fats that are found in Olive and Peanut oils are the best oils to use. These oils do not clog your arteries but you should still use them in moderation. Please stay away from anything pre packaged and don’t fry your foods, bake them instead. Start cooking "real foods" again!

In closing, please take care of yourself. Do not think because you may be young, physically active or even "vegetarian" that you cannot fall victim to the deathly additives in food products today. Read labels! With every meal you consume, you are either poisoning or your nourishing your body!

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Don't Allow Your Food To Control You

Don't Allow Your Food To Control You was written by Lee Smith from

Dont Allow Your Food To Control YouFood addiction isn't a problem. Pretending like you can't live without eating however, IS the problem. If you're stranded on a desert island without food, what would you do? Your body can survive well over 24 hours without food if you're drinking water.

How about if someone offered you 50 million dollars to not eat? How addicted would you be then?

Personally, I'll be forthright and tell you that I think that it's utter nonsense to believe that food is addictive. Food is fuel for the body and that's it. There is no such thing as an "addiction fairy" sprinking his magic dust on a Big Mac so you're forced to eat it.

In today's society, doctors have made it easier for people to indulge in self-destructive behaviors by saying they are "addicted" to it.

Personally, I think the people who diagnose these addictions are addicted to "ease of ignorance and influence". Saying that you're addicted to lots of food is like Osama Bin Ladin saying he's addicted to spelunking.

When it comes to eating too much and you feel that you're gaining weight, remember this:


It's not a ticking time bomb that's going to self destruct in 5 seconds if you don't eat it. Anyone in their right mind can easily realize that an inanimate object like an cheeseburger or a snickers bar has no control over you. However, if you do feel it does, then I'm addicted to your brand-new car.

If you know you should be eating better, then do it.

All the great tastes and wonderful flavors have been created to entice your taste buds and the food's emotional appeal. Natural foods don't need to be "processed". They provide a filling sensation and a healthy solution on their own.

Oh, and if you're wondering what's in the delicious foods you enjoy eating so much, look at the ingredients. If you can pronounce the majority of the ingredients, call me. I'd like to know what they are.

If you'll notice, most of the foods eaten are the results of hundreds of chemical combinations (some of which aren't safe for you) which give it that taste that you're "addicted" to.

It's only food. Our forefathers who build this great country weren't addicted to food. But I'm sure you wouldn't be either if you had to chase your meal, shoot it, skin it, wash it, clean the insides and outsides of it, pluck all the feathers or fur off and so on!

Believe me, if I went through that, I would truly enjoy my meal. I'm sure they weren't addicted because they were too tired from chasing it!

But if you're picking up your meal and it's not clucking, mooing, kicking trying to escape, biting for its life, or growing because of photosynthesis, then it's not putting up a struggle.

You make the decision to put it in your mouth, chew it, and swallow it. And you can make the decision to put it down anytime you desire.

It's your choice. It's fuel for your body. That's it. It's not addictive, tasty, wonderful, mouth-watering and all that jazz.

Remember, you have the control. You only have to take action and prove it.

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What Colors Are On Your Plate?

What Colors Are On Your Plate? was written by Meri Raffetto from

What Colors Are On Your Plate?Can the colors on your plate tell you what health benefits you are getting?

As researchers are learning more and more about the foods we eat there is one hot topic that keeps coming up….phytochemicals. You may have heard the latest craze for lycopene found in tomato products boasting its heart health benefits. Phytochemicals are biologically active chemicals (not classified as vitamins or minerals) found in foods that our bodies may use as part of their disease-fighting arsenal. A single tomato or orange contains, hundreds, and possibly thousands, of phytochemicals. This is very exciting news for researchers since many of these phytochemicals act as antioxidants and also provide other benefits for cancer prevention. They have also found that the color of the edible part of our fruits and vegetables can tell us what class of phytochemicals it contains and therefore, what health benefits we can obtain. Finally! Now when your mother says eat your vegetables, their good for you… we can see how they are good for us!

Blue/Purple (blueberries, grapes, eggplant, plums)

Health Benefits:

a lower risk of some cancers,

aids in memory function, and

healthy aging

Green (spinach, broccoli, salad greens, green peppers, honeydew, kiwi)

Health Benefits:

a lower risk of some cancers,

vision health, and

strong bones and teeth

White (onions, bananas, garlic)

Health Benefits:

healthy heart, and

a lower risk of some cancers

Yellow/Orange (oranges, yellow and orange bell peppers, yellow watermelon, carrots)

Health Benefits:

healthy heart,

vision health,

improved immune system, and

a lower risk of some cancers

Red (strawberries, red bell peppers, pink watermelon)

Health Benefits:

healthy Heart,

improved memory function, and

a lower risk of some cancers

Now you can enjoy a colorful plate of food and improve your health at the same time!

© Meri Raffetto, 2004

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The Niacin Rush

The Niacin Rush was written by David Snape from

The Niacin RushYour face turns flush and your skin starts to itch. Your heart begins to beat faster. The itching may be felt all across your face and extend down your arms to your fingertips.

What is going on? If you're like me you forgot what you learned in school and had to call ask-a-nurse to be reminded.

You may have taken a little too much niacin, or vitamin B-3. It's ok, you'll be fine, it will probably wear off in about half an hour.

But it can really make you scared if you don't know what is going on.

What happened? I took a niacin supplement plus brewer's yeast which itself contains lots of niacin. That was nine years ago but I still remember it like yesterday.

Niacin, also known as nicotinic acid is very necessary for your body. Niacin is needed at the cellular level. It is an important nutrient in cellular processes that create the ultimate energy currency of your body - ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate.

A deficiency in niacin can lead to pellagra, which has a number of manifestations. An inflamed tongue and irritated gastric track and colon as well as depression and hard rough skin are just some of the symptoms of this deficiency disease.

Anxiety and hallucinations are also possible symptoms of pellagra. Wide spread pellagra is no longer seen in the United States, though individual cases can still occur.

Dermatitis, dementia and diarrhea are considered the 3 Ds or the classic symptoms of pellagra.

Diets rich in meats, eggs and milk provide adequate amounts of niacin to the body. Alcoholics and diabetics are at greater risk for being deficient in niacin.

Niacin is a vitamin, it is necessary to the body for cellular processes.

Oral supplementation can reverse the less severe cases of deficiency. In severe cases there may be permanent consequences.

So the next time your face flushes and you get an itching burning sensation down to your fingertips, take a moment to reflect before you panic. Did you have too much niacin?

This article is for information purposes only. If you have or think you have a health condition, consult your physician for proper diagnoses and treatment.

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Safely Transitioning Off Meal Replacement Plans

Safely Transitioning Off Meal Replacement Plans was written by Jim Duffy from

Meal replacements have been part of the diet landscape for decades. They have helped numerous people lose weight, and more importantly, they have helped people learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy eating choices. Both quantity and quality of life improvements can be credited to the concept of meal replacement solutions.

Those that have successfully relied upon a meal replacement plan can reflect fondly on how the plan helped address a fundamental diet obstacle: choosing what to eat.

One of the greatest challenges that a dieter faces – if not the greatest – is discovering what to eat, and what to avoid. Answering the latter is usually easier, since most experienced dieters are rather well aware of what they should not be eating. Yet they are often left wondering: what should I eat? Dieters who are fortunate enough to be able to answer this with a simple: I’ll eat my meal replacement foods often see their diets succeed beyond its vulnerable infancy [i].

Dieters who rely on willpower alone, or follow a poorly designed "fad" diet, often do not lose weight. The most that these dieters usually experience is maintenance of current weight, or perhaps a few pounds lost, likely through water loss.

As with most weight loss solutions, there are some potential pitfalls that can undermine dieters. And perhaps the most ironic of these pitfalls exists for those dieters who have chosen a meal replacement route to achieve their weight loss goals. This difficulty is explained, and solved, below.

Diets supported by meal replacement plans are often successful; and herein exists the potential problem. Once a dieter has lost his or her desired weight, there is a transition period from meal replacement food to "normal" food. Without the proper nutritional supplements in place to ensure that this transition is both smooth and long-term, a high number of dieters revert back to their pre-diet unhealthy eating habits. The result, regrettably, is the regaining of weight; and for many dieters, yet one more failed attempt to shed pounds and inches [ii].

The blame for this regained weight is typically, and incorrectly, assigned to two sources. The first target for this misplaced blame is the meal replacement plan itself, which promised long-term weight loss yet apparently failed to deliver. The second misplaced blame, and the one that can do the most damage, is directed towards the dieter him/herself. It is just "another failure", and a crushing blow to self-esteem.

However, as noted above, this blame is misdirected. The cause of the problem is neither the meal replacement plan, nor the dieter’s lack of willpower. The culprit here was that once the meal replacement plan had done its job, there was no strategy in place to maintain that accomplishment over the long term.

Fortunately, there exist some very well designed nutritional supplements and plans that support this transition strategy. These nutritional supplements are not candy bars posing as "energy bars", or protein powders laden with calories and fat grams [iii].

Rather, these authentic nutritional supplements are scientifically designed, low-calorie, complete eating solutions. That is, they can be used to supplement a meal that is not fortified with vitamins or complete protein, or they can be used -- without health risk -- to replace a meal when healthy eating choices are not available.

Meal replacements have proven their value in the "battle of the bulge"; especially since they provide dieters with an easy answer to the question: what do I eat today? However, it is just as clear that the period just after weight loss, when the meal replacements program ceases, is critical.

Far too many dieters are left without a transition plan that enables them to safely return to a diet of non meal-replacement items. Fortunately for these individuals, and for future dieters as well, there exist authentic and medically engineered nutritional supplement solutions that bridge this gap, and help ensure that a hard won weight loss battle is a long-term victory.


Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Information on Protica is available at

You can also learn about Profect at


[i] Source: "Are you Sabotaging your Diet?".,5778,s1-4-57-190-4559-3,00.html

[ii] Source: "Meal Replacement Diets". All About Info Ltd.

[iii] Source: "Nutritional Supplement". Rolf Rasmussen.

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Eating To Gain Mass

Eating To Gain Mass was written by Anthony Ellis from

Eating To Gain MassThis is usually the forgotten element of most mass programs. Food. The truth is, no one will gain muscle without food. It seems so simple and basic, yet most don't get enough of it to build muscle.

Dieting for muscle gain is simply a matter of eating. You must eat more calories than your body burns off. Now, when I say eat, I do not mean just anything. All calories are not created equal. In other words, some types of calories are not equal to others for gaining muscle. For example, if I said that you need to eat 2,000 calories per day to gain weight, and you eat 4 bags of potato chips each day, do you think you would gain muscle? Not likely.

The majority of your weight would be fat. Why? Because potato chips, like most processed junk food, contains empty, totally nutritionless calories. These foods do not provide you with the correct nutrient breakdown essential for gaining muscle.

High quality protein, which the body breaks down into amino acids, should be the center point of all your meals. Intense exercise increases demand for amino acids, which support muscle repair and growth. When you train with weights, you should eat a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. So, for example, if you weight 100 lbs., you should be eating at least 100 grams of protein per day. You also must have protein at every meal.

To enable your body to actually assimilate and use the all the calories you will ingest, you have to reduce your meal size and increase your meal frequency. Splitting your calories into smaller, more frequent portions will enable food absorption and utilization of nutrients . I always eat six meals each day, evenly spaced out at three-hour intervals. My goal is to provide my body with constant nourishment throughout the day.

You don't have to have carbs or fat at every meal, but you must have protein. When I say protein, I am referring to high quality protein derived from animal sources. Soy protein, tofu and bean curd have their place, but for getting bigger and stronger, the only protein you need to be concerned with are those found in whey, casein (cottage cheese), eggs, beef, poultry, and fish.

High Protein Foods

Whey protein


Egg whites

Chicken breasts

Turkey Breasts

Lean Beef

Fish (tuna, salmon)

Protein bar

Soy protein Isolate


High Carbohydrate Foods

Potatoes (baked, fries, hash browns)

Sweet Potatoes, yams

Oatmeal, cream of wheat, cream of rice rice


Any green leafy vegetable



All cereals (hot or cold)


Healthy Fats

Olive oil

Sunflower oil

Safflower oil

Flaxseed oil



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Blueberries And Their Role In Cholesterol Control

Blueberries And Their Role In Cholesterol Control was written by Vic Carrara from

Blueberries And Their Role In Cholesterol ControlOur bodies need cholesterol. We use cholesterol to produce vitamin D, hormones, and certain acids that help us digest fat. Only a small amount of cholesterol is needed to meet these needs; in fact, our bodies actually produce enough cholesterol on their own, and any cholesterol derived from food is unnecessary. Problems arise when we have too much cholesterol, commonly known as LDL. Many factors help determine whether your LDL-cholesterol level is high or low. The following factors are the most important:

  • Heredity
  • What you eat
  • Weight
  • Physical activity/exercise
  • Age and sex
  • Alcohol
  • Stress
Of these, you obviously cannot control your heredity, age, or sex but you should always consider those factors when embarking on a plan to lower your LDL level. On a good note, most of the known factors that contribute to cholesterol problems and heart disease ARE under your control.

The foods you eat, your weight, and your amount of physical activity are all inter-related components that can contribute to decreasing your LDL levels. The two main ingredients in many of the foods you consume that can cause an increase in LDL are saturated fat and cholesterol. Both of these nutrients are found in animal products, so eating more lean meats and fish, along with a heavy supply of fruits and vegetables, can cut down on these elements. Also, by eating this healthier diet, weight loss will most likely occur naturally; this will lower triglycerides, which will raise "good" cholesterol, known as HDL. Increasing physical activity is also all tied in to a healthy diet and weight loss, and will not only help you lose weight, but build up your stamina and improve your overall health

Alcohol intake increases HDL cholesterol, but does not lower LDL cholesterol. Doctors are unsure as to whether alcohol reduces the risk of heart disease. Drinking too much alcohol can damage the liver and heart muscle, however, causing high blood pressure and raising triglycerides; because of the risks, alcoholic beverages should not be used as a way to prevent heart disease.

Finally, stress is something we all want to avoid, but which is sometimes unavoidable. Many times, when we stress, we don't make wise choices and wind up eating fatty foods that are high in saturated fat. Some ways to de-stress: yoga, exercise, breathing exercises. Even taking twenty minutes out of your day to take a quiet bath or read a book can calm your nerves and reduce stress.

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(Fitness) Health Thoughts, Living On The Health Minimum Wage?

(Fitness) Health Thoughts, Living On The Health Minimum Wage? was written by Nick A. James from

(Fitness) Health Thoughts, Living On The Health Minimum Wage?Random thoughts taken from valuable sources, what many nutrition experts consider to be the most important nutrients and health habits a person should have to help them stay healthy long term. We would categorize them into the following areas.

Dietary Fiber - Fiber is extremely important to your health in a number of different ways.

According to the National Institutes of Health one of the common causes of constipation is not enough fiber in the diet.

Fiber promotes cardiovascular health plus in studies has been indicated to help lower harmful cholesterol levels when combined with a healthy diet. But what most people don't know about fiber is all the various varieties there are of dietary fiber.

The point is with all the healthy benefits of dietary fiber most people don't get enough everyday - it is recommend that people get 25-30 grams of fiber per day. So if they're not getting it through their diet it pays to take a supplement. No wonder so many people are constipated.

Let's talk next about enzymes - did you know that enzymes control virtually all the chemical processes and reactions in your body - everything from digestion to breaking down old cells to generating new cells.

There is no doubt that enzymes are probably the most under-rated nutritional substance. Essentially because nobody talks about them. Most manufactures are not putting them in their foods or supplements. Most manufactures proudly state that their cereal is Vitamin Enriched. However, when was the last time you read a label that said our product is Enzyme Enriched!

However, with the importance of enzymes the question begs to be asked, Where do I get adequate enzymes from? It certainly isn't from our foods. Processed and cooked foods destroy all enzymes. Sure our body has the ability to manufacture certain enzymes, but just like anything else it could sure use a supplement boost. The best foods for getting enzymes are fresh raw fruits and vegetables, but the problem is less than 20 percent of all people eat even the minimum recommended amount.

Perhaps an enzyme supplement would be advisable.

And why would someone only want the minimum amount of health? That is like living off the minimum wage - not a pleasant thought.

Antioxidants - Gee, how important are antioxidants. With all the environmental pollutants, smoke, chemicals etc that our bodies are exposed to on a daily basis we just can't underestimate the importance of antioxidants. Antioxidants as you know deactivate dangerous free radicals. Free radicals are essentially what causes iron to rust and an apple to turn brown after cut. The next time you cut an apple in two put lemon juice on half the apple and none on the other half - notice how the one half without the lemon turns brown much faster. This is because the lemon juice is an antioxidant protecting the apple half.

Now think about what oxygen free radicals are doing to your body without an adequate supply of antioxidants.

So antioxidants are extremely important, however, what you may not know is that a variety (or network) of antioxidants almost always is more effective than just the same amount of individual antioxidants. So a variety of 15 different antioxidants would typically work better than the same amount of one single antioxidant.

Micronutrients or plant nutrients - these are present in virtually all plants here are some examples:

Cauliflower contains the micro- photonutrient sulforaphane. In research done at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, sulforaphane lowered the occurrence of breast tumors in lab animals by almost 40%.

In peppers you have micro- photonutrient capsaicin-it has been found to work as an anticoagulant, thus possibly helping prevent heart attacks or strokes caused by blood clot.

Lemons contain limonene, a compound shown to have anticancer properties in laboratory animals. Limonene also appears to raise the levels of beneficial enzymes in the liver.

And of course this is the tip of the iceberg as micro-phytonutrients are present in most plants, researchers are still uncovering all their many health benefits.

A couple more good health tips.

Clean Water - One of the most valuable things you can do for your health is to assure you drink at least 8 glasses of good clean pure water each day. This doesn't include soft drinks, beer, wine, coffee, tea, etc. This helps flush wastes from the body, keeps the cells hydrated and some experts believe it can even help keep healthy blood cholesterol levels down.

Finally Exercise - One can't underestimate the role regular exercise plays in long term health. It is important when starting an exercise to do something you enjoy and don't over commit and over do it. I.E. never bite off more than you can chew. You want to develop a good habit of exercise and the only way to do that is to start very slowly.

For example your goal for the first week may be to do 1 sit-up per day or walk to the end of your driveway and back. This may seem too easy, but our main concern is that we develop a good habit of doing some exercise everyday. And if you can do it for 21 straight days a good habit will develop.

One last thing to consider - too often most people think about what are the minimums in each area required for health. Why would someone only want the minimum amount of health?

That is like living off the minimum wage - not a pleasant thought.

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Fighting Burn-out: Natural Help For Stress, Fatigue And Adrenal Insufficiency

Fighting Burn-out: Natural Help For Stress, Fatigue And Adrenal Insufficiency was written by Dr. Rita Louise from

Fighting Burn-out: Natural Help For Stress, Fatigue And Adrenal InsufficiencyThe adrenal or "stress glands" are small, triangular shaped glands located on the top of the kidneys. Their function is to prepare the body’s resources to run or fight through the releasing of specific hormones. When this primitive, instinctive response is activated, blood is diverted from digestive system while our blood pressure, pulse, blood sugar levels increase. At the same time, our pupils dilate and the speed of reflexes increases. All of this happens as a way to ensure our survival.

In modern times, we don’t’ have to worry about becoming dinner for a hungry tiger or being trampled by a herd of buffalo. Our bodies, however, automatically respond the same way when we are under physical, emotional or mental stress. Many of us live in a state of constant stress that strains our bodies to the point of exhaustion. Over time, and through repetition, this can impact the way the adrenal glands function, causing us to experience adrenal insufficiency or "burn-out".

If you think about it, our adrenal glands can be likened to the batteries in a flashlight. They are filled with a charge that is used to run the body and give us that extra edge in times of need. Each time we use our flashlight, we drain some of the charge from our batteries. Fortunately for us, our batteries are automatically recharged when we eat healthy and get lots of rest. If, on the other hand, we use our flashlight all of the time, and don’t recharge our batteries regularly, it is only a matter of time before the light starts to dim and eventually goes out all together.

Technically speaking, adrenal insufficiency refers to the inability of adrenal glands to produce the proper quantity of hormones needed to run the body. It should not to be confused with Addison’s disease, which is when the adrenal glands fail to produce hormones or shutdown completely. The most common symptom of adrenal insufficiency is fatigue. Other symptoms include: not feeling rested after sleep, inability to deal with life stressors, poor memory, a low sex drive, frequent infections due to a suppressed immune system, inability to concentrate, depression, mood swings, irritability, weight gain, weakness and hormonal imbalances.

There are a number of reasons why people experience adrenal insufficiency. It can be from a genetic or congenital abnormality, but the most common one is stress. Some of us force our bodies to run or fight all the time. Life challenges, financial pressures, relationship issues and unresolved emotional concerns will eventually deplete your adrenal glands. Internal stressors such as allergies, physical disease, nutritional deficiencies, food and environmental toxins can also put pressure on the body’s natural reserves. In addition, stimulants, such as sugar, white flower, caffeine, as well as constant exposure to loud music, loud noise or EM radiation can take a toll on our adrenal glands.

Recommendations For Wellness

First and foremost, stop forcing yourself to keep going and start listening to your body. It will tell you what it needs. If it is tired, try closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Taking a break, even a short one is a great way to let your body rest.

Just let it go. Allow your body to let go of any resentment, blame, guilt, worries or fears that can paralyze the adrenal glands.

Learning relaxation techniques such as biofeedback, meditation guided imagery can help you cope with stress better.

Try taking a hot bath with lavender or neroli oil at night. These oils can help to calm frazzled nerves, promote a feeling of calmness and bring about a restful nights sleep.

Siberian ginseng is an adaptogenic herb that supports the adrenal glands making it a great tonic to help the body deal with stress.

Found in the rainforest of South America, the herb suma has been reported to help increase energy levels and rejuvenate the spirit. It has been found to be useful in restoring glandular function and balancing the endocrine system.

Licorice Root has traditionally been used to support the adrenals. This herb is very sweet and is not recommended if you are diabetic.

Pantothenic Acid, vitamin B5, is vital for adrenal hormone production and is recommended in supporting the adrenal glands.

Nature’s Sunshine’s Energy-V Capsules and Nervous Fatigue Formula are a collection of stimulating & adaptogenic herbs which can help the body adapt to stress.

DHEA is a hormone precursor produced by the adrenal glands. Leading health experts to believe that after the age of 25, the body's ability to produce DHEA declines and supplementation can help increase energy and counteract the effects of stress.

Supplements made from bovine adrenal glands provide nutritional support for proper adrenal gland function. Only use this supplement for short periods of time as to not disrupt the normal function of the adrenal glands.

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Do You Know Your Body's Ph And It's Relation To Your Health

Do You Know Your Body's Ph And It's Relation To Your Health was written by Dee Cohen from

Do You Know Your Bodys Ph And Its Relation To Your HealthDo you know your ph? By getting ph strips at a pharmacy, pool store or lab you can test your urine in the moring and see it's range. A good range is between 6.5 and 7.2. Most of are too acidic.When we are too acidic, the body takes minerals from important organs and our bones to neutralize the acid.

These minerals can include calcium, sodium, potassium and magenesium. Though we may not notice it, an overly acidic situation can develop in time into various symptoms and problems.

In the Book Alkalize or Die , Dr. Theodore A. Baroody says ,"The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause...too much tissue acid waste in the body!"- Theodore A. Baroody, N.D., D.C., Ph.D.

Some problems thatcan indicate acidosis include: bladder and kidney conditions, immune deficiency, diabetes, weak brittle bones and lactic acid build up. PH is behind the bodies electrical system, intracellular activity and the way our bodies utilize enzymes, and minerals, and vitamins. That is why pH is one of the first things to be looked at if you are experiencing an imbalance in your body. Decades ago Dr. Otto Warburg, the only physician to ever win two Nobel prizes, proved that cancer can not exist in an alkaline/high pH environment.

We can eat more alkalinic foods which include brocoli, carrots, dried figs, celery, grains and many fruits. On the otherhand, the active ingredient in the soft drink Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8 and it will dissolve a nail in about four days. The phosphates in soft drinks bind to calcium and we can't absorb it. The typical Western diet is largely composed of acidic or acidifying elements (proteins, cereals, sugars). Alkaline foods such as vegetables are eaten in much smaller quantities; their alkaline content is insufficient to neutralize surplus acids.

Stimulants like tobacco, coffee, tea, and alcohol are also extremely acidifying. When we get angry or stressed we are also making the body ph more acidic. Our ph changes not just from the foods we eat, but due to our emotional states.

Some books worth reviewing at the library include:

Understanding Acid-Base – A medical text on the fundamentals of human blood pH, by Benjamin Abelow, M.D. 1998; Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD.

The pH Miracle – Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health, by Robert O. Young, Ph.D. 2002, Warner Books, Inc. New York, NY.

Reverse Aging – Scientific Health Methods, by Sang Whang. 1994; Siloam Enterprise, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Acid & Alkaline – An overview of pH and human health by Herman Aihara 1986: George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation, Oroville,CA.

Try and make healthy choices when shopping and eating out to keep your body ph balanced.

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What Is An Essential Fat?

What Is An Essential Fat? was written by David Snape from

What Is An Essential Fat?You may have heard that essential fats are an important aspect to maintaining the health of your body. But what exactly are they?

Basically, there are two truly essential fatty acids, Linoleic and Linolenic. You may have heard of these referred to as Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids.

So, why are they called essential? The term essential in the life sciences refers to the fact that a nutrient cannot be synthesized by the body. Thus, you must have a dietary or supplemental source to supply your need for these acids.

You probably heard of the 8 essential amino acids. It's the same idea here but in this case we are referring to fatty acids rather than an amino acid.

These fatty acids exist in and are used in every cell of your body. So they are crucial to a cell's health and therefore to our health as people. The good news is that in North America, you generally get enough Omega -6 in your diet. Omega-3 has presented a question mark to researchers. Are we getting enough or not?

Fortunately, you can get Omega-3 from fish and certain nut oils. If you have any doubt at all, you can get Omega three from flax oil,which is in abundant supply at your local health food store.

Don't let the phrase essential fat or essential fatty acid fool you. These are not going to make you gain unwanted weight.

As those of us who truly understand weight loss and gain can tell you, the key to losing or gaining fat storage from your body centers around the bodies short term energy storage supply.

This article is for information purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or condition. Consult your primary health care provider if you have or suspect you have any physical ailments.

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The Ins And Outs Of Proper Nutrition

The Ins And Outs Of Proper Nutrition was written by Beverley Brooke from

The Ins And Outs Of Proper NutritionSecretly we all want just a few things in life, none theleast of which is to live a life that is healthy andenergetic. One way to accomplish this is to eat a wellbalanced diet that fuels the body to take on life’schallenges.

Did you know that one of the best things you can do toimprove your overall health and well being is to eat adiet that is well rounded and nutritious?

Diet can make the difference between feeling great andfeeling just o.k. But how do you know which foods willpropel you to health and well being?

Proper nutrition is easy. In fact, all you need to do to ensure your health and well being is follow five simplesteps, outlined below.

Top Five Tips for Maintaining Optimal Nutrition

  • Eat a well balanced diet. This means you have toincorporate foods from each of the four food groups.
  • Adopt the phrase moderation. At no time should youconsider some foods ‘bad’ and other foods ‘good’.Rather, all foods can be nourishing if they are eaten in moderation. Chocolate cake will not make you fat if you don’t eat it every day for dinner!
  • Take a multi-vitamin. Even the healthiest dieter may not get all of the vitamins and nutrients they need from diet alone. Why? Our bodies aren’t always able to absorb nutrients efficiently from the foods we eat. Thus it is important to take a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement daily.
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on your diet, and even contribute to weight gain.
  • Exercise daily. Even 10 minutes of routine exercise can help your body maintain its peak fitness level.
Excessive consumption of alcohol can also wreak havoc on your diet. Alcohol inhibits the body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients, such as calcium. In addition, alcohol in the evening can interfere with your sleep cycle.

Other things you can do to improve you nutrition includeincorporating lean proteins and fish into your diet. Fattyfishes including salmon provide key nutrients called "essential fatty acids" which help your brains abilityto function properly.

Nutrition is a choice. For you to be the healthiestperson you can be, it is vital that you make choices that are good for you and your well being. Adopting just a couple of the strategies above will help you tremendously on your journey toward optimal health.

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Redeeming Unsaturated Fat

Redeeming Unsaturated Fat was written by Jim Duffy from

Redeeming Unsaturated FatThe most dreaded word in many dieter’s vocabulary is ‘fat’. It is not uncommon to hear a dieter discuss their avoidance of eating fat as if it were something thoroughly unwholesome, or even life-threatening, like an allergen, or a contagious disease.

In one way, this impassioned hatred of fat is positive. It reflects a generally understood medical truth that overindulging in fat-rich foods often causes unwanted, and unhealthy, weight gain.

However, in another way, this fat-phobia is potentially dangerous, because awareness of fat is not enough; an understanding of how fat influences weight gain and overall health is required. Unfortunately, those who dread and avoid all fat "as a rule" are overlooking an important difference between saturated fat and unsaturated fat.

Saturated fat is often the real culprit when it comes to unwanted, and potentially unhealthy, weight gain. These types of fats, which are solid at room temperature, initiate the production of LDL cholesterol, or "bad cholesterol". In addition to weight gain, as cholesterol increases, so does the risk of heart disease. In fact, saturated fats increase LDL cholesterol disproportionately more than dietary cholesterol itself; that is how powerfully bad it is to the human body[i]. Dreading and avoiding this kind of fat is therefore quite intelligent.

Some dieters, however, are motivated less by concerns about high cholesterol and heart disease than they are about cosmetic weight gain. This is not a criticism; the adverse health effects of excess weight are well documented, as are the emotional traumas and social stigmas that tragically affect tens of millions of overweight people, especially children[ii].

Unquestionably, an excess intake of saturated fat is linked to weight gain. This is because a fat gram contains more than twice the amount of calories as a protein gram – 9 calories versus 4 calories[iii]. As a result, dieters can eat more than twice as many protein grams as fat grams to achieve the same amount of caloric intake. For dieters who are steadfastly watching every calorie, this 125% calorie difference between protein and fat can have an enormous impact.

Fat cells, once created, cannot be removed[1]; they can only be made smaller through the body’s metabolic calorie-burning process[iv]. Since an individual’s rate of metabolism is determined largely by genetics, a dieter with a slower than average metabolism will spend months, perhaps even years longer struggling to shrink fat cells then would his or her metabolically-gifted counterpart[v].

It is quite easy to understand, based on the above discussion, why the very idea of fat is dreaded by dieters; both because of the health hazards it poses, and its capacity to create excess fat cells. And it is just as easy to understand why many people are so afraid of consuming this kind of fat that they strive to remove all fat from their diet. This, however, is a large nutritional oversight.

Fat is a macronutrient that the body requires for a number of important functions. Fat is a source of energy. It helps keep the body warm, it aids in the absorption of some vitamins, and helps regulate the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system[vi]. This appears, however, to be a contradiction.

On the one hand there are health and weight gain hazards associated with fat, and on the other hand, there are proven health benefits associated with fat. How can this be? The answer is easily understood when we differentiate between the two types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. The kind of fat associated with health hazards is the former; the kind that the body needs and uses effectively is the latter.

There are two sub-types of unsaturated fat: polysaturated fat, and monosaturated fat. Popular foods that contain polysaturated fat include safflower oil and corn oil, while monosaturated fats are found in such foods as olive oil and peanut oil. These unsaturated fats are those that provide the body with the most useful and efficient sources of fat that lead to the health benefits noted above.

However, though there is a clear benefit to eating unsaturated fats instead of saturated fats, both types continue to offer eaters the standard 9 calories per gram. As such, no eater should consume an excess amount of fat.

Equipped with the awareness and understanding that avoiding saturated fat is hazardous to health, and that there is such a thing as "good" (unsaturated) fat, it would be expected that most nutritional supplements on the market have created foods that reflect this understanding. This is, regrettably, not the case.

Most nutritional supplements contain some fat content; many even contain saturated fat for some inexplicable reason[2]. Tragically – and there is no other word – many dieters are deceived into eating self-described nutritionally intelligent foods that may be "low calorie", and may even have some vitamins and nutrients, but they but they are adding to the individual’s limited capacity to ingest fat grams. Many people who seek to lose weight by eating nutritional supplements often gain weight. They erroneously believe it is the result of a slow metabolism, when the culprit is the amount of fat grams ingested.

Fortunately, there are several fat-free food supplements on the market today. There are several important benefits of this strategy that benefit dieters of all sizes.

The obvious benefit is that a dieter does not have to count fat calories when eating these nutritional supplements; they are 100% fat free, and do not add to their daily fat-intake limit.

Less obviously, however, is that a zero-fat nutritional supplement that contains protein can stimulate the digestive system and minimize fat storage. This is because the protein content can help regulate the body’s ability to effectively absorb the calories that it derives from carbohydrates and fats. For example, a dieter who eats a sugary, fat-filled cupcake can mitigate fat storage and increase nutrient utilization by eating it with a protein-rich nutritional supplement.

The world of nutrition has long since known the link between dietary fat and weight gain. Unsaturated fat can be a trusted ally in the fight against weight loss. Understanding how it differs from saturated fat helps demystify the stigma of unsaturated fats – a stigma that should be reserved for its unhealthy cousin, saturated fats.


Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Information on Protica is available at

You can also learn about Profect at

Copyright - Protica Research -


[1] Fat cells can be removed externally, through such methods as liposuction and stapling, but these so-called solutions carry their own brand of risks and consequences.

[2] Actually, the reason is usually because of taste.


[i] Source: "Fat Dictionary".

[ii] Source: "The Surgeon General's Call To Action To Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity". US Department of Health and Human Services.

[iii] Source: "Reducing Dietary Fat". WebMD.

[iv] Source: "Can Diabetics Benefit from the Removal of Fat?". Washington University Physicians.

[v] Source: "Weight Loss Understanding Why Diet’s Don’t Work – and what DOES Work".

[vi] ibid.

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Nutrition Secrets Never Before Revealed

Nutrition Secrets Never Before Revealed was written by Rino Soriano from

Nutrition Secrets Never Before RevealedThe topic of nutrition is one that is always present in our lives no matter where we turn. It’s on the news, magazine articles, at school, at your doctor’s office, and even is a major topic for many books.

Over the years, there have been many ideas presented how to structure your diet so you ensure a good state of health. The RDA established by the government recommends certain percentages of nutrients that are claimed to be a healthy standard for all people in this country.

Now you have many scientists and researchers stating that the RDA standards are too low and need to be revised to reflect higher percentages of nutrients. There are other scientists and doctors that claim based on your body type, you should only eat certain types of foods while avoiding others.

Many health officials advise the public to limit total fat intake to a low percentage of their total daily calories. There are other groups that claim eating a good portion of fat in the diet is actually healthy. So, who is right and what constitutes eating healthy?

Well, I think that society has made nutrition much too complex. Trying to calculate every single calorie and each percentage of nutrients every day is a little too unrealistic let alone confusing. I believe we need to simplify the aspect of nutrition in our lives.

Before we do that though, we need to grasp the real meaning of what nutrition is. Nutrition is any food item or substance that supplies the body with vital nutrients that enable it to carry out normal physiological functions.

Nutrition does not constitute food items that either deplete the body of nutrients and/or increase the energy expenditure by the body in order to process that food item. Nutrition from food should supply your body with vital compounds necessary for physiological functioning and not strip away nutrients.

Based on many people’s diets today, there are numerous food items and store bought supplements that actually strip nutrients from the body. To eat too many of these foods and/or ingest poor quality supplements will actually leave your body less nourished than before you ate them. This does not make any sense! A good analogy will serve to explain this concept.

Picture if you will your paycheck that you receive from work. Now, let’s say that every time you get your paycheck, you go to the bank and deposit it immediately. As in the normal case when you deposit your check into your bank account, it reflects as an increase in total account value.

Now… picture that every time you deposit your check in the bank, instead of adding value to your account, it actually diminishes your account value. You wouldn’t like that very much would you? However, this is exactly what happens when you eat foods that contain little or no nutritional value.

Food items such as coffee, French fries, corn chips, soda, hot dogs, pretzels, white bread, donuts, milk and many other food items contain little or no nutritional value to them. By consuming these foods, vital nutrients will be taken from the body in order to process them accordingly.

I am not advocating avoiding these foods forever. I am simply stating that people eat way too many of these low nutrient foods in their diet. I would recommend adding plenty of raw vegetables when eating low nutrient foods to compensate for the lack of nutrition in these foods.

For example, let’s take an average portion of chicken breast. If you ate simply this portion of meat, it would require enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and other bionutrients for the body to process it accordingly. In essence, as in this case, the body will have lost vital nutrients in the process of digesting this meat. Most people would view that by eating a piece of meat that this would serve as nutrition for the body.

In reality, this meat added no nutrients to supply the body with its needs and it only really contributed protein. Yes, protein is important to receive in your diet and chicken is a very good source of protein. However, it is that many people don’t eat enough fruits and raw vegetables to compensate for the lack of nutrition in their diets.

A typical dinner of chicken, baked potato, and a small serving of peas is still lacking a large percentage of nutrients. How? A baked potato really does not contain very much as far as nutrients. Yes, it has carbohydrates but it has no real adequate nutrients as in vitamins and minerals. Peas, if bought frozen and heated will have lost almost all vitamins and will contribute only some minerals, some fiber, and some protein.

This meal just does not contain enough raw enzymes, vitamins, and minerals in order to nourish your cells adequately let alone to process the food itself. Thus, even though you may have eaten a large meal as in this case, you still have not contributed many nutrients to your body to allow for normal physiological functioning.

When the body does not receive enough nutrients with every meal, it will draw these vital compounds from its reserve. The body normally uses vitamin and mineral reserves in times of emergency such as when a person has a cold, flu, or some other illness.

Think of the reserves like a savings account in which you use only for times of real need or urgent emergencies. You only want these reserves being tapped into at these times of real need. You do not want your reserves being used on a regular basis just to aid in processing the food you eat.

If your reserves keep getting used in non- emergency situations, as is the case when one eats a low nutritious diet, then eventually they become depleted. Once this happens, one is setting themselves up to become deficient in many nutrients, become susceptible to low immunity, and experience poor physiological functioning of the major organ systems.

At the point the reserves get used up, the body will eventually start taking whatever nutrient it needs from other sources. For example, if one has lost extensive calcium reserves, then the body will take it from the bones and teeth.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body and is very important in serving to buffer the acid produced by eating acidic foods and foods that contain very little or no nutrient content. So, if someone is not receiving proper amounts of calcium in their diets, then the body will eventually take what it needs from your bones and the teeth.

This is a condition no one wants to be in. Taking a calcium supplement would not restore this condition. In fact, taking store bought calcium supplements could actually aggravate this condition. Cells CANNOT absorb store bought supplements since they are synthetic and are not recognizable to your body.

In taking a store bought calcium supplement in this case, you will aggravate this calcium deficiency because your body now needs to process this unrecognizable compound and will use up vital nutrients in doing so.

Does it not make sense to eat foods that already contain the needed nutrients for proper digestion and that feed your cells with the vital compounds they require for normal physiological functioning of your body? Food items such as pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, potato chips, cheesesteaks, meatball sandwiches, pop tarts, processed cereals, white breads, and many canned/packaged foods contain very little or no real nutrients that are essential to the cells of your body.

In modern times, convenience has taken priority over actual nutrient content of foods. People tend to go for the food items that take very little time to prepare. In this choice for convenience though, many people will not receive proper amounts of nutrients that are essential for optimum health.

One can never get true nutrition from canned or pre-made foods. True nutrition only comes from whole foods that are close to nature as possible. Whole grains, fruits, legumes, vegetables, nuts, roots, seeds, eggs, and pure oils are the best way to receive the vital nutrients that the cells require for optimum health.

When preparing a meal, one should always seek to make these whole foods the main portion. You don’t need to deprive yourself of your favorite food items. One just needs to structure their diets in a fashion where they are receiving a fair amount of raw nutrients on a regular basis. Eating only a couple pieces of fruit and a couple vegetables a day simply will not supply your cells with all the nutrients the body needs for normal functioning.

The Best Diet

Many people wonder if there is a special diet that benefits everyone. There are many books and programs that claim their diet regimen is healthy for everyone. I say that you are the only one who knows what the best diet is for you. Every person has his or her own unique blood makeup and genetic structure.

A diet that serves one person may not serve another. Your unique blood makeup will determine what suits you best. Some people do well eating meat while others do poorly when they eat meat. Some people do best on grains and vegetables while others do best with eating cheeses and other high fat & high protein foods.

You are your own master and only you know how you feel after eating certain foods. My recommendation is to experiment and observe the kinds of foods you eat and determine how you feel. For example, when you eat meat, how do you feel in the hours afterward? Do you feel energetic, alive and balanced? Or, do you feel tired and have indigestion? Again, you are the master of your body.

Allow your body and cells to tell you what the best diet is for you. I do recommend the following daily regimen for everyone. Conform the following recommendations to your body type. For example, if you know that you require meat in your diet, then just add meat to these recommendations. If you are a grain or cheese type then add these to my recommendations.

Suggested Daily Regimen for Optimum Health

Eat 4 to 5 fruits a day. I know that this sounds like a lot. You can easily consume this many fruits by incorporating smoothies into your diet. For example, take 2 bananas and a mango with a little distilled water and then blend into a smoothie. You can combine many fruits to make great tasting smoothies.

Another example, take a papaya and strawberries with some water and blend. A great idea is to freeze bananas and then use these in all your fruit smoothies since bananas make a great binding ingredient. Freezing them adds that refreshing smoothie texture. Make a commitment to yourself that you will eat 4 to 5 fruits a day. They taste great and it is healthy for you.

Eat as many raw vegetables as you can every day. Eat a variety of veggies, especially ones that are dark green since they contain chlorophyll, a compound that is very beneficial for your health. Also, vegetables contain fiber that is very important for proper bowel health and elimination. Make large raw vegetable salads for lunch and dinner and make the portions to be more than 50% of my whole meal. For example, make a large salad of red romaine lettuce, onions, avocado and red peppers. How about a salad of cucumber, fennel, olives, tomato, and carrots?

There are many combinations that you can come up with. Just be creative! Again, you can add shredded meat to these salads if you are one who does well with meat, or add walnuts if you do well with nuts or add goat cheese or hard-boiled eggs. Add whatever that serves you well. Only you know what serves you well. I can’t tell you that nor can anyone else. Listen to your body because it is always communicating with you. Learn to hear its message!

Use healthy oils every day: Drizzle extra virgin olive oil, grapeseed oil, coconut oil or pumpkin oil on all your raw salads. These oils are very beneficial to your health. Use them daily since the fats in these oils are very healthy. If you are concerned about gaining weight from ingesting these oils I have news for you. You will not gain weight from every food item that has fat in it.

As you will discover in the chapter on weight management, it is not a healthy practice to limit all fat consumption. In fact, limiting your overall fat consumption can actually program your cells to store more fat on your body and may increase your chances of weight gain.

The issue with fat is the type of fats that people ingest that are not suitable for long term health. Almost all prepared foods such as canned and pre-packaged food items contain what are called hydrogenated oils that are chemically altered and are very dangerous to your long term health.

These oils can cause all sorts of health ailments and shorten your life span. Almost all restaurants and food manufacturing companies use these hydrogenated oils in their foods for the preparation process. If you ever see an ingredient listed as HYDROGENATED, then you know that it is not healthy.

Juicing: This is a great way to receive raw nutrition without digestion. You can juice any combo of raw vegetables. Pick veggies that are super green like spinach, kale, and parsley. Juice at least 3 to 4 times a week and notice how much better you feel.

Use seaweed: varieties like dulse, kombu and hijiki in your salads and meals. These sea plants are packed with vital nutrients and are great keeping you body clean.

Make homemade soups and stews with fresh vegetables. You can add anything you like. How about adding egg to make egg-drop soup or how about chicken broth soup. Be creative. Make a large pot and then store the rest in a big corningware container. Eat some every day for a main meal or a snack. You can dip whole grain rye crackers in it for an extra crunch.

Make your own homemade ice cream: Freeze bananas and then put them into your food processor and pulse. You now have instant banana sorbet. You can also freeze strawberries, pineapple, mango, peaches and watermelon. Use any combo of these fruits. Just pulse them in your food processor and you have instant sorbet. You can add fresh mint, ginger and other spices to make it an extra special treat.

To make you own ice cream just pulse some frozen bananas or any fruit you like. Add this mixture to organic milk or goat milk and then add some vanilla extract. You can add some stevia to make it sweeter and some lecithin (found in health food store) to make it creamier, Then just put this into the freezer for a couple hours. Voila…you now have an awesome natural treat. Experiment with this and other combinations.

Words of Wisdom

You are the only one that is responsible for your body and health. No one else will make sure that your cells are receiving proper amounts of nutrients. Some people will pay extra money to put the highest-octane gas in their cars to ensure they run well.

However, when it comes to putting the highest quality food into their bodies, the same attention is not there. Just because your belly is full and you are no longer hungry, does not mean that you have really nourished your body!

Your body is your main vehicle. You need to take care of it and love it just as you would a child. You have 70 to 100 Trillion cells in your body and each one has its own intelligence. In essence, you are carrying 70 to 100 Trillion little babies with you at every moment. Only you are responsible for them and only you can nurture and feed your cells appropriately. Your body responds to you the way you treat it. If you want optimum health, then you need to nurture your body and cells.

Eating healthy does not have to be lacking in taste. If you take care of your body then it will thank you in return by giving you optimum health and a great feeling. Isn’t your health worth it? Make the commitment today to start nurturing your body and fueling it with Mother Earth’s pure and whole foods!


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