Don't Allow Your Food To Control You

Don't Allow Your Food To Control You was written by Lee Smith from

Dont Allow Your Food To Control YouFood addiction isn't a problem. Pretending like you can't live without eating however, IS the problem. If you're stranded on a desert island without food, what would you do? Your body can survive well over 24 hours without food if you're drinking water.

How about if someone offered you 50 million dollars to not eat? How addicted would you be then?

Personally, I'll be forthright and tell you that I think that it's utter nonsense to believe that food is addictive. Food is fuel for the body and that's it. There is no such thing as an "addiction fairy" sprinking his magic dust on a Big Mac so you're forced to eat it.

In today's society, doctors have made it easier for people to indulge in self-destructive behaviors by saying they are "addicted" to it.

Personally, I think the people who diagnose these addictions are addicted to "ease of ignorance and influence". Saying that you're addicted to lots of food is like Osama Bin Ladin saying he's addicted to spelunking.

When it comes to eating too much and you feel that you're gaining weight, remember this:


It's not a ticking time bomb that's going to self destruct in 5 seconds if you don't eat it. Anyone in their right mind can easily realize that an inanimate object like an cheeseburger or a snickers bar has no control over you. However, if you do feel it does, then I'm addicted to your brand-new car.

If you know you should be eating better, then do it.

All the great tastes and wonderful flavors have been created to entice your taste buds and the food's emotional appeal. Natural foods don't need to be "processed". They provide a filling sensation and a healthy solution on their own.

Oh, and if you're wondering what's in the delicious foods you enjoy eating so much, look at the ingredients. If you can pronounce the majority of the ingredients, call me. I'd like to know what they are.

If you'll notice, most of the foods eaten are the results of hundreds of chemical combinations (some of which aren't safe for you) which give it that taste that you're "addicted" to.

It's only food. Our forefathers who build this great country weren't addicted to food. But I'm sure you wouldn't be either if you had to chase your meal, shoot it, skin it, wash it, clean the insides and outsides of it, pluck all the feathers or fur off and so on!

Believe me, if I went through that, I would truly enjoy my meal. I'm sure they weren't addicted because they were too tired from chasing it!

But if you're picking up your meal and it's not clucking, mooing, kicking trying to escape, biting for its life, or growing because of photosynthesis, then it's not putting up a struggle.

You make the decision to put it in your mouth, chew it, and swallow it. And you can make the decision to put it down anytime you desire.

It's your choice. It's fuel for your body. That's it. It's not addictive, tasty, wonderful, mouth-watering and all that jazz.

Remember, you have the control. You only have to take action and prove it.

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