Physical Health Is Attainable Through Proper Nutrition And Exercise

Physical Health Is Attainable Through Proper Nutrition And Exercise was written by Declan Tobin from

Physical Health Is Attainable Through Proper Nutrition And ExerciseObesity is epidemic in this country for both children and adults. The invention of television, video games, and convenient appliances help to influence us to be sedentary. Obesity can create such problems as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Lung problems and circulation problems. Obesity also can sap your strength. So the cycle goes you are obese, you tire easily so you rest, a lot. You get up and move and you become tired and you rest again. Climbing stairs is nothing less then difficult, going a few steps can make you breathless. Joint problems also can be caused or aggravated by obesity. They say no pain, gain. I say if there is pain rest, you will gain nothing if you injure yourself. This is why it is wise to get a complete physical and the approval of your physician before beginning any exercise or nutrition program.

Caring for yourself physically by seeing a doctor regularly, getting the proper rest, and eating right will prolong your life and in the long run you will feel better. Exercise is imperative to help you become fit however if your goal is also weight loss, you need to be burning more calories than what you take in. For example if you are eating a 1800 calorie diet be sure that whatever exercise regime you choose causes you to burn more than those 1800 calories in a day. There are many excellent books and programs that can help with this.

Physical fitness is not accomplished with exercise alone you also need to eat healthy. Nutrition centers exist almost everywhere and will give you good sound advice. Before you try a particular center or program you really need to check with your doctor. There are all sorts of diets out there such as Atkins, Slim Fast, among others. Fad diets like the grapefruit diet and the cabbage soup diet work for a time but once you go off of it, you can gain the weight back and then some. Not every diet is good for everyone. The best food plan is one that teaches you how to eat and what to eat. It would also include some of your favorite foods and dining out. Also included should be teaching strategies that will help you maintain your weight loss once you meet your goal.

When I think of exercise equipment, I see all kinds of infomercials in my head. There is the BowFlex, the Total Gym, and The Gazelle to name just a few. Nautilus is another brand. Each type of equipment claims it will help you attain the figure of your dreams and some even give you a guarantee. The best is not necessarily the most well known or expensive. The best equipment is the equipment that works for you.

The many types of equipment available are almost limitless. Some equipment targets specific areas of the body and some have all kinds of attachments and work all muscle groups. Ab rollers, ab swings, and ab cruncher target the abdominal areas. Other types of fitness equipment include ellipticals (simulate motion of walking skiing), cycling (stationery and road), rowing machines, trampolines, treadmills and home gyms.By themselves they can work but the best equipment is that which helps you work all major muscle groups.

Walking and swimming are probably two of the best exercises for fitness. Inclement weather can prevent you from walking (unless you live near an enclosed mall) and there may not be a pool to use if you don’t have a YMCA or other facility that will allow use of their pool. Along came fitness centers for both men and women.

There are four major types of exercises that when done correctly can help you achieve weight loss and/or fitness. Aerobic and cardio exercises get your heart rate up and teaches proper breathing techniques. Strength training and resistance training helps to strengthen and tone your muscles.The ideal program would incorporate these exercises into their programs. Most gyms or health centers offer various classes teaching these exercises individually. Until the past few years if women wanted to work out they had to go to gyms attended by men as well. There was little attempt to facilitate women’s needs specifically. There are now women’s centers that address and meet the unique needs of women and there are still gyms and clubs where both men and women still go. Two of the best-known women’s health centers are Curves and Healthy Inspirations. Both have circuit training that is a combination of all forms of exercise by the use of various machines and step exercises. Both support the women in their quest for health and fitness.

Working out doesn’t have to be difficult or tedious. What is a workout?Workouts are periods of sustained exercise designed to increase our fitness, strength, or endurance. You can go to a club and workout with a trainer, pay your dues and then find a thousand reasons why you can’t make it or you can buy expensive home gym equipment to toss your dirty clothes on (hey it keeps them off the floor.)

The key to sticking with any program is motivation. There are as has been mentioned gyms and clubs where people can go to exercise. If you aren’t motivated within yourself to do it, you will slack off and eventually give up. This is the one thing that you can do for yourself. The clubs and gyms are fine if they motivate you and not judge you, if they teach how to get through cravings and crisis times where your old habits may scream for you have a comfort food. The best thing for clubs and gyms to work toward is convincing patrons that they are well worth the effort, the time, and care to become healthy individuals.

All that aside, it is imperative to learn how to use fitness equipment properly, what clothes and shoes maybe appropriate for the particular program, and performing the exercises properly. Safety is important as well. When weight lifting always have a spotter available when necessary.Know your limits. Overdoing exercise can cause injury and other problems. Your body will tell you when it is becoming over-stressed.

The bottom line is this; you are worth the time and effort it will take to become healthy and fit. Exercise and healthy eating can help prevent or reduce the effects of such diseases as Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Arthritis. Most people just need the right motivation. What you don’t know about food and nutrition or exercise you can learn, read books and visit various gyms or clubs to see what help they may be able to offer. You can also go online to find some of this information. Know your goal, know you are worth the effort, and know this as well; you are not alone.

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