10 Flaxseed Facts To Improve Your Nutrition

10 Flaxseed Facts To Improve Your Nutritionwas written by Annika Rockwell

10 Flaxseed Facts To Improve Your NutritionFlaxseeds may be the smallest seeds you willfind in any health food store, but there is nothing little about theirenormous contribution to our overall health. Discovered in 5,000 BC,these little brown seeds were worshiped for their magical properties,such as healing the intestines, skin conditions, improving energy, andoverall health.

Here are ten great reasons to eat flaxseeds every day:

1) Packed with minerals

Minerals not only build your bones, but give you energy. Flaxseedscontain 7 times more potassium than a banana and more calcium than acup of skim milk! Consuming about a ½ cup of flaxseeds per day willprovide you with 831mg of Potassium, 236mg of Calcium, 431mg ofMagnesium, and 112mcg of folic acid.

2) Help prevent cancer

Flaxseeds are rich in lignans, which have been researched anddocumented to have anti-cancer properties, especially inhormone-sensitive cancers such as breast, prostate, and endometrium.Lignans help excrete dangerous estrogens, which cause breast cancer,and they also help prevent estrogen-caused tumor growth. In addition,lignans prevent testosterone binding, which in turn helps preventprostate cancer. The active ingredient in lignans, SDG, inhibits newtumor growth and development as well as the growth of establishedtumors. A ½ cup of flaxseeds contains 53 mg of lignans, way more thanfruits and veggies which contain about 0.001 mg.

3) Improve immune system strength

From HIV to the common cold, Omega 3s and lignans within flaxseeds helpstrengthen the immune cells. Research shows that this type of immunemodulation has been helpful for auto-immune conditions such as Lupusand Rheumatoid arthritis.

4) Enhance brain development in infants

The omega 3s in flaxseeds have been shown to significantly improvebrain and retina development in unborn infants and the infants oflactating mothers. This research recently allowed for the makers ofinfant formula to include this essential fat.

5) Loaded with healthy Omega 3 fat

Aside from fatty fish, flaxseeds are one of the only foods containinglarge amounts of the incredibly beneficial Omega 3 fat, which nourishesyour brain and gives your skin and hair a healthy glow. A 1/2 cup ofgrounded seeds will give you up to 50 grams of Omega 3, which is a gooddaily dose.

6) Help you burn body fat

Our cells are loaded with unhealthy fats from fries and junk food,which slow down our metabolism and contribute to obesity. Adding inhealthy Omega 3 fats and fiber gets your metabolism burning at a higherrate. In addition, flaxseeds are high in fiber and protein which helpyou feel fuller faster.

7) Eliminate constipation

Since flaxseeds are 30% fiber and 40% healthy fat, a ½ cup of seedsdaily provides 27 grams of fiber and 50 grams Omega 3s which worktogether to heal the intestines and provide constipation relief. Thisamount of fiber also meets the US National Cancer Instituterecommendations for daily intake.

8) Improve hypoglycemia and diabetes

The fiber and protein in the seeds help keep blood sugar more stablethroughout the day, because fiber slows the release of insulin.

9) Decrease risk of heart disease, coronary artery disease, and strokes

Flaxseeds are documented to decrease tryglicerides, increase good HDL,and decrease platelet reactivity, all of which are critical for keepingyour heart and arteries healthy.

10) Decrease inflammation

Inflammation causes migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease,lupus, MS, psoriasis, and allergies. The omega 3s in flaxseeds inhibitinflammation by lowering inflammatory cytokines.

Incorporate flaxseeds in your diet today! You can find flax recipes andmore info at http://www.RockwellNutrition.com.

Two excellent flax products are: FiPro Ground Flax Seeds by OakmontLabs: http://www.rockwellnutrition.com/product.asp?itemid=782

Pure Organic Flaxseed Oil by Pharmax: http://www.rockwellnutrition.com/product.asp?itemid=44

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