Calcium Absorption And Information

Calcium Absorption And Information was written by Rita Lambros-Segur

Calcium Absorption And InformationIonized minerals, colloidal minerals, chelated minerals . . . What do they all mean? And what about true calcium absorption?

Alarge segment of the mineral industry includes ionized minerals. Theseminerals are suspended in a salt solution and express their electricalcharge within that solution. Colloidal minerals are extremely smallmineral particles suspended in liquid, but not ionized, which passthrough body tissue.

Chelated minerals are wrapped in a huge,surface neutral amino acid molecule to ensure proper absorption. Thisis how the body naturally packages minerals from food for transportthrough the body.

Most minerals are absorbed within the first 18inches of the small intestine. This area of the small intestine has aslightly negative charge. Get two magnets and put the positive and thenegative side together. What happens? They stick together. The samething happens inside your body.

Minerals such as potassium andsodium are light, expressing a single positive charge. These mineralscan be accepted into the body without the large amino acid moleculecarrier.

However, heavy minerals such as iron and calcium, whicheach express two positive charges, must be chelated or else they willbecome attached to the small intestine and form crystalline particlesin the tissue.

Not only do the crystal remnants cause severedamage, but the body fails to receive the mineral nutrients it needs tofunction normally. The neutral surface charge of the amino acidmolecule ensures the mineral within will be absorbed into the body as anutrient instead of a harmful toxin.

Now, do you more fully understand the workings of calcium absorption?

It'sdangerous to take huge quantities of minerals with no consideration ofhow they affect the body. And it's also unwise to take certain mineralssingly or in the wrong combinations with other nutrients.

Beselective. The solution is supplying essential minerals in the correctmeasurement and combination. When minerals are in the form natureintended, they are easily recognized and used efficiently by the body.The best mode of calcium absorption (as well as other nutrientabsorption) is through super foods.

Foods that are presented tothe body as pristinely as possible. Yes, there are no more pristinesoils now, but some ARE better than others. Do the best you can toingest whole, super foods which already have been naturally chelatedfor total absorption into your electrical body.

Every body needs minerals that work!

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