Small Changes Yield Big Benefits

Small Changes Yield Big Benefitswas written by Emily Sigers from

Small Changes Yield Big BenefitsYou can start today - right now, even - on aroad to feeling better, looking better, living longer and enjoying afar better quality of life.

We're all familiar with the big steps:

If you smoke, do yourself and those who love you a huge favor - STOP.It'll be the best, though possibly the hardest, gift you ever give them.

Nix unhealthy vices such as drinking, speeding, taking your health andsafety for granted, etc.

However many fruits and vegetables you consume, double that!

Those are the "Big Ones", and I don't have to tell you how importantthey are, but this article is about the "Little Ones". They don't havethe publicity of the larger steps, but they're every bit as important.

In no particlular order, here are the small steps I'd love for you tostart taking. Ideally, you'll take each and every step each and everyday - but realistically, you should just aim at doing just as many asyou can, just as often as you can. Let's get to it!

Limit empty calories. You can't cut them out entirely, but try to ditchas many sodas, doughnuts, cookies, chips, fries, etc, as you can. Nexttime you go to your favorite fast food restaurant (go ahead and admitit, I've seen you there!), have a salad in place of the fries and rinktea instead of pop.

Replace eating red meat with chicken or fish at every opportunity. Thesteps will be even bigger if you make sure the chicken or fish isgrilled or baked instead of fried.

If you're trying to lose weight, switch to using artificial sweetenerin your tea and coffee, and switch to a diet drink. A while back, Ibegan a weight loss regime. I simply began using the little pinkpackets in my morning coffee instead of sugar, and I sweetened my teawith artificial sweetener instead of the cup of sugar I normally used.The final switch I made was going from Dr. Pepper to Diet Dr. Pepper.These are the only changes I made to my diet, and I quickly lost over10 pounds. You quickly get accustomed to (and even begin to prefer!)the diet drinks and sweetener. I literally can't stand the taste ofregular pop now, something I was once incredibly addicted to.

Begin walking. Start with a trip around your neighborhood or a strollthrough the park or mall. Heck, even start with lapping Wal-Mart, juststart and start today. Make your walking a priority and don't allowanything to interfere with it. You will soon be so hooked on the"walking buzz" that you won't allow yourself to miss a single day. Whenweather or illness prevents me from walking for a day, I feel crummy,absolutely crummy!

Small changes can yield very big, glorious results. My husband oncetold me that he had shaved stubborn strokes off of his all-importantgolf game. I asked him if he'd gotten new clubs, new balls, changed hisstance or started scoring creatively. He showed me one tiny littlemaneuver with the positioning of his hands - he said it made all thedifference in the world. All he did was change his thumb's stance!

In closing, here's a website I'd like for you to check out: The Longevity Game. It makes youthink - and thinking's usually a good thing.

Keep checking Buttermilk, as we'll beadding health and fitness related articles at an alarming pace. Makethese changes today and you'll be thankful tomorrow!

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