Getting More Minerals From Your Fruits And Vegetables

Getting More Minerals From Your Fruits And Vegetables was written by Rudy Silva from

Getting More Minerals From Your Fruits And VegetablesBefore the thirties, people knew the importance of mineral. Their soil was rich in minerals and they ate plenty of vegetable grown in these soils. When vitamins were discovered during this time, people began to forget about the important of minerals and started their fascination with vitamins.

Today because the soil is highly depleted of minerals, our vegetables are lacking in these life-giving nutrients. It is now necessary to consider how you can get more minerals in your body the natural way. Here are some things you can do to get more minerals:

  • buy organic farm products
  • eat fruits and vegetable without peeling them
  • eat fruits and vegetable raw
  • cook fruits and vegetable with a minimum of water and temperature
Organic Farm Products

There are some major grocery markets that now sell organic vegetables. However, these vegetables are much higher in price, so that it discourages most people from buying, even though these vegetables are better for them.By going to farmers markets, you will find many organic fruits and vegetables. The prices here will be almost the same as what you pay for non-organic food at a regular market. When buying produce at a farmers market, ask the vendor if his produce is pesticide sprayed, if he doesn’t have an "Organically Grown" certification sign.

When buying dried fruit, like apricots, make sure that you buy those are prepared with no or little sulphur. There is clinical evidence that sulfate-reducing bacteria, which exists in our colon can contribute to colon diseases - IBS, colitis, or Chiron's disease. The sulfate that reaches our colon comes from eating an excess of meat and eating and drinking food products that have sulfur and sulfur dioxide - dried fruits, jams, sodas, and many other products. Look for sulfur compounds and sulfur dioxide on the food label, and then avoid eating these products.

Peeling Fruits and Vegetables

Most vitamins and minerals in many fruits and vegetables lie right underneath the outer peel. For this reason it is best not to peel certain fruits or vegetables to gain the most benefit of that produce. But make sure the produce that you don't peel is organic. Don't peel apples, carrots, cucumbers, squash, broccoli stocks, celery, pears, nectarines, or tomatoes.

Eating Raw Produce

Eat most of your produce raw. This is the healthiest way to eat produce. Eating plenty and I mean plenty of raw vegetable is the way to better health and longer life. You get plenty of fiber, minerals, vitamins and enzymes, if the produce has been recently pick.

Cooking Produce

If you need or want to cook fruits and vegetable do it with just a little bit of water at the bottom of the pan. Many fruits and vegetables contain minerals that are volatile such as organic sulfur. Because of this you are probably deficient in organic sulfur. This is one reason why MSM .has become quite popular. Organic sulfur is not the same as the sulfur that is produced in the body when meat is eaten or when foods with sulfur or sulfur dioxide are eaten. Both sulfur and sulfur dioxide are used as food preservatives and are considered dead sulfur. Organic sulfur obtained from fruits and vegetables is considered live sulfur.

When food is cooked at temperature greater than 45-50 degree C, food enzymes are destroyed. This results delayed digestion of these foods in the stomach. Food enzymes help to start the digestive process while your body creates the enzymes necessary to complete the digestion process. Delayed digestion often creates stomach gas and belching.

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