Organic Food - The Benefits Of Natural And Organic Produce

Organic Food - The Benefits Of Natural And Organic Produce was written by Carrie Reeder from

Organic Food - The Benefits Of Natural And Organic ProduceHavingspent most of my life living off of junk food, I was pretty shockedwhen I started learning about what goes into the produce we consumeevery day from the grocery store.

Most of the produce you wouldbuy at the grocery store has been genetically modified to be moreappealing to the customer. But, evidence suggests that geneticallymodified food can be harmful to your health. There are very fewregulations on genetically modified food, and there aren’t any longterm studies on how they affect human health. About 70% of the food youpick up at the grocery has been genetically modified.

Also,there are many types of insecticides used on produce, that arepotentially harmful to your health. Farmers, nowadays, do not use theproper crop rotation when growing their produce. Crop rotation means:The successive planting of different crops on the same land to improvesoil fertility and help control insects and diseases. The by-product ofno crop rotation is that food in general is much less nutritious andraises a need for more insecticides to be used.

To avoid thehealth risks that can be associated with eating food that has beengenetically modified, has been treated with pesticides and does not useproper crop rotation, eat organic food.

Organic food has beenproven to contain sometimes 2-3 times the nutrients that conventionalproduce has. And with so little research available on this subject, whoknow how many other ways conventional produce is damaging to ourhealth. How many other ways could organic food be better for us?

Ifyou don’t believe it, try it. When I first began learning about organicfood and the differences between it and conventional food, I went to ahealth food store and bought a bunch or organic produce. I couldn’tbelieve the difference in taste. The tomatoes I had bought in thegrocery store had very little flavor and could only be used as aningredient in a dish, definitely not something you would want to eatplain. But, the organic tomatoes I bought, I found myself just sittingdown and eating plain. They actually had a garden fresh flavor to them.Usually when I would buy fruit, it would sit and rot on the table untilI threw it away. It just never sounded good. Now, when I buy organicfruit, I can hardly keep myself from snacking on it all day. It justtastes so much better and healthier.

I have definitely noticed adifference in the way I feel after switching to eating mostly organicfood. I have more energy. I crave healthier food. I feel more satisfiedwhen I eat. I don’t crave junk food or sugary snacks anymore. I knowother people too, who have noticed the same effects from switching toan organic diet.

To find more information about organic food visit: more about organic food.

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