Fluoride In Drinking Water

Fluoride In Drinking Water was written by Alfred Jones from SugarsR4U.com

Fluoride In Drinking WaterAre there any benefits to be obtained from drinking water that has Fluoride added? Well, the jury seems to be out, and they have been out for a very long time, without producing a satisfactory answer as to whether it is beneficial or harmful.

Scientists have discovered that there is a Toxic interaction between Fluoride and Aluminium, which can lead to Alzheimer's Disease.Others say that Fluoridation is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects over the long term.

A large number of local authorities, worldwide have included Fluoride in the Cocktail that is called drinking water, for many years, whilst others have steered clear of inflicting this on the public, without their consent. Some authorities feel, that if parents want their children to have Fluoride, they can obtain tablets themselves, some authorities even provide them free, if they are required, as cost is not usually a problem, Fluoride is not an expensive chemical.

It is very difficult not to use Fluoride, as most brands of toothpaste contain this chemical, though if you read the labeling on products, you will find that there are a few around, that are free of Fluoride, perhaps this is what you should be looking out for if you put any value on your health, of course the choice is yours.

Fluoride is supposed to help prevent teeth problems in growing children, it appears from a number of reports that it makes very little difference to the state of childrens teeth, large numbers of Dentists are very much in favour of fluoride in the water.

Fluoride is, Hexafluorosilicic acid, a toxic industrial waste by-product, derived from Super-Phosphate, a fertiliser and Aluminium manufacturing.It is a fact that Sodium silicofluoride (Fluoride) has never been registered anywhere in the world as "safe" for human beings.It has been accepted scientifically and by some health and medical authorities that "Fluoridated drinking water, must not be used in the preparation of "Baby formula nutrition" because of the dangerously high potential, of children receiving a poisonous overdose."

International scientific studies have shown that there is very little difference, if any, between the incidence of decayed, missing or filled teeth in children, or adults living in Fluoridated, or non-Fluoridated areas.

Medical professionals and scientists are warning that water fluoridation has dangerous long term health consequences, yet we are still allowing authorities to force it upon our children.

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